Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Friends

Hi guys!

I've been thinking about friendship a lot recently.  Good friends are really hard to find, no?  Somehow, and for some reason, God has blessed me with the most amazing friends and I am pretty much in awe of His grace for that.  I have friends that build me up, admonish me, and (gasp!) even love me enough to point out sin in my life.  I just wanted to use this space to honor them and let the world (haha!) know what I love about my friends.

This is Ally - and she's pretty much the bomb.  We became roomies freshman year after we both had had a not-so-fun roommate experience.  Since then, we have been really good friends.  She is everything that I am not: super disciplined, an oldest child, very structured, blunt, and witty.  I admire her so much and appreciate how when we hang out, our opposite personalities balance out.  

This is my beautiful sister Heather that I admire so much.  She is one of the best wives and mothers that I have ever met - I have so much to learn from her example.  Whenever we get together, it's like no time has passed.  I appreciate how I can be totally goofy around her and she feels the same.  She has gone through some really tough stuff recently, but she hasn't let it harden her heart or get bitter.  She only lets her hardships draw her closer to the heart of God.  I love her so much!
Chelsea!  How did I get blessed with a friend like this?  This girl is going to change the world someday, I am convinced.  She is so beautiful, spunky, athletic, and fun.  Her heart for God and passion for life are contagious.  I probably laugh harder with this girl than anyone I know.  

This girl means so much to me.  Hannah (I call her Campy) represents so much of what I desire my life to look like.  Her quiet spirit and steadfast perseverance are more of a testimony than she knows.  Everything about Campy speaks gentleness and grace.  Thanks Campy for your friendship and Christ-like love.  It really speaks to my heart.

Wow.  That's what comes to my mind when I see this dynamite couple.  It would be hard for me to put into words the impact that Mark and Ashley Baker have made in my life.  From my deep Jonathan-David type friendship with Ashley, to having the privilege of watching God write their love story, this couple exemplifies what true friendship and love really mean.  They are not afraid to speak truth into my life, even when it hurts.  They know the life-changing love of Jesus and it is reflected in everything they do.  Thank you Bakers for how you have let Christ use you to change me.

My heart and life are so full with these beautiful friendships - I am so undeserving!  And there are so many more lovely friends that I wish I could put up here.  They remind me everyday that Christ's love is shown so sweetly in the context of friendship.  Thanks guys :)

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