Monday, June 22, 2009

What do I wanna be when I grow up?

Times are a-changin'.  It's funny how when you get to a certain time in your life (a.k.a. soon to graduate college) you find yourself asking that age-old question: "what do I wanna be when I grow up?"  When the endless frontier of school is no longer stretching out before me, it means I have some options.  And I find myself entering into a whole new adventure.  Really, the possibilities are endless.  I could end up in California or back in the South - or maybe, even in another country!  Who knows!  As I ponder this question and ask random people what they think I should be when I grow up (I mean, someone's gotta tell me ;), I keep coming back to the question: what do I really like - and not just like, but what am I passionate about?

First of all, I am passionate about kids, of all ages.  Anywhere from about 3 to college age.  I am working in the youth group at my church right now, and worked with missionary kids last summer in Slovakia, and loved it.  I feel like working with kids or young adults may be in my future at some point.

I also love communicating in front of large groups.  I used to compete in public speaking in elementary school all the way to my senior year in High School and LOVED it.  I have had a few opportunities to speak in front of groups at Bryan (particularly women) and have LOVED those times too.  Whenever I am able to teach people something or impart something that God has taught me to a group, I feel like I am doing exactly what I'm meant to do.  Teaching maybe?

I love writing.  Ever since I could hold a pencil, I have wrote short stories (including the "Heather" series when I was 7), written in journals and diaries, and now, blogging is my new outlet (although I would never give up my old fashioned, personal journal).  I have also gotten more into writing letters to people.  I believe letter writing is a lost art - you can keep letters forever, they are fun to receive, and you can never accidently delete them :).  They are probably more fun for me to write than they are for people to receive them!  Writing, maybe?

I love the arts.  I love leading worship, crafts, decorating, art projects, good music, cooking, all of it!  I always feel super satisfied when I am able to add an artistic touch to whatever it is that I am doing.

I love hospitality.  Having people to my dorm room, meeting people for coffee, and living a lifestyle that says, "come talk to me.  I have time for you!"  I don't know how this shows itself in a job, but whatever I do, if it involves people, I will be happy!

I love Biblical studies - my major!  I love digging into the Word and finding truths for my life that I can also encourage others with.  There is nothing more satisfying than those rare moments when I feel like "a Berean" - searching out the scriptures and doing the hard work to make sure what I'm believe is true.  I'm still learning how to do this (it will be a life-long journey) but God's Word is so rich and never grows old!  If I could spend my whole life growing in my passion for God's Word and imparting my passion and what I learn to others, that would be the ultimate.  But how?

I don't expect to have "the answer" anytime soon, or ever, for that matter.  I believe my life will be a mosaic of different opportunities that God will graciously bring along my path at the right time.  As Jim Elliot was always so faithful to point out, "there is nothing more adventurous than being in the will of God (paraphrase)."  It's fun to be in a time of life where I can dream and think about these things and wait for what God will do.  I'm already praying for His will to be done in my life and that He would bring about the right opportunities at the right time.  What a cool time of life :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Time of Training

Ever since I've been home from FFI, my question has been, "Lord, I just experienced the most amazing, equipping semester of my life.  And here I am.  Home.  Doing online classes.  Now what Lord???!!!"  I've definitely been bit by "the restless bug" again, longing for some great assignment from my Master.  Recently, I've had clarity from my King about what this time at home means and why it is so important.

The clarity came from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27:

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crow that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.  Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly;  I do not fight like a man beating the air.  No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified from the prize."

I italicized "strict training", because the Lord is show me that that is where he has me.  How am I supposed to run in a way to get the prize when I'm not even in shape?!  This summer so far has been such a valuable time of one-on-one training with Rabbi Jesus.  He's teaching me how to spend my time wisely, how to manage my finances, what quality time with Him looks like, how to pray, how to just sit and meditate on his Word - the list is endless!  It makes me so excited to know that this summer isn't just a meaningless "holding time" where I just have to make it through.  This summer is such a valuable, crucial time.  

Other words of encouragement have come in the form of In the Shadow of the Almighty - the Life and Testament of Jim Elliot.  Wow!  God has encouraged me so much by reading about this incredible man of faith and how he lived his short 28 years with the passion and vigor most people don't find in their entire life.  How I long to live my life for God in this way!  Here is my shameless plug: read this book!  Your life will never be the same.